Social Studies Homework for September/October

Below is a list of the homeworks that have been assigned so far for September and October. If you are absent, check the website to see what you missed. If you have any questions, see me :) 

1.) Return emergency contact sheet and classroom contract signed. 
2.)Write a letter to your cousin who lives in Florida. Describe what Brooklyn is like to them.
3.) Create a Venn Diagram comparing 5th Grade to 6th Grade. 
4.) Compile a list of 5 observations from your neighborhood. After completing your observations, make 3 inferences a person might make about the neighborhood based on those observations. 
5.) Write ONE paragraph responding to the following question: "If you could be any continent to live on, which would it be? Why?" 
6.) Workbook p.4-5
7.) Workbook p. 11-12 (include the challenge activity)
8.) "Landlocked" worksheet 

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